Raipur has been a non-quizzer city. Nonetheless, it is blessed with proactive and amazing budding quizzers from Krishna Public School (KPS).These quizzers are nurtured professionally in the Quizzing Den with the necessary environment required – QPL the Quiz Club in Krishna Public School.
QPL not only prepares the members for the different types of quizzes but also gives a medium to instill the much needed 21st Century Soft Skills of Leadership, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Decision Making at the same time being pro-active members of the QPL Quizzing Den.
QPL Quiz Eco-System provides a boost to knowledge growth through peer learning, thereby helping each other to reach the Top Most level. The members are exposed to many quizzes on different subjects round the year to prepare them for all levels of quizzes from City to National Level.The amazing results at National & State/City level presented here are a clear testimony to the above