Proactive Learning centre

Proactive learning centre (PLC) work with Children with special needs as well as Academically weak students.  PLC is a body that assists students in mainstream education.  It enhances the students in various skill development such as –  Cognitive, Academics , Behavioral, Concentrations and so on.

 Key Features of Inclusive Education in our school:

  • Accepting unconditionally all children into regular classes and the life of the school.
  • Providing as much support to children, teachers and classrooms as necessary to ensure that all children can participate in their schools and classes.
  • Looking at all children at what they can do rather then what they cannot do.
  • Developing education goals according to each child’s abilities. This means that children do not need to have the same education goals in order to learn together in regular classes.
  • Designing schools and classes in ways that help children learn and achieve to their fullest potential (for example, by developing class time tables for allowing more individual attention for all students). The school ensures Least Restrictive environment (LRE) like ramp, barrier free toilets.
  • Having strong leadership for inclusion from school principals and other administrators.
  • Having teachers who have knowledge about different ways of teaching so that children with various abilities and strengths can learn together.
  • Having principals, teachers, parents and others work together to determine the most effective ways of providing a quality education in an inclusive environment.

Role of inclusive Education in our school:

All children are able to be part their community and develop a sense of belonging and become better prepared for life in the community as children.

Role of Special Educator:

The special educator initiates individual education planning for student with additional requisites and ensure its implementation.

Special educator

  • Ensures specialized teaching.
  • Addresses the individual learning needs of the students.
  • Develops IEP for CWSN.
  • Supervises paraprofessionals.
  • Assists students in skill development.
  • Carry out assessments of the students aiming to identify the CWSN

Activities of our Department include

  1. Special Education classes.
  2. IEP program.
  3. Play Therapy.
  4. Skill development (for concentration enhancement, behavior modification, value inculcation and many more)
  5. Eblity training program for parents.
  6. Eblity training for teachers.
  7. Eblity resources for students learning.
  8. Home base program planning for CWSN students.
  9. Counseling sessions for students & parents.

10. Informal Assessment for Special Needs students.